Dear Allison,
My days are filling up too fast! On the weekends, I hope to somehow find time to do my chores, do a bunch of fun projects, plus relax. For example, today I want to spend time with my family, clean up a bit, relax, and decorate the house for autumn. How can I do it???
So much to do, so little time.
Dear So Much To Do,
I'm not sure if this answer will help, but I do have a strategy. If you have a calendar, you could write down the days when you wish to do a couple of chores or relax. But if you don't have a calendar you could talk to your parents or loved ones about getting one. Another idea is to write yourself notes and put them in places around the house where you usually go. That way you could remember to clean up a bit or relax. So my dear So Much To Do, life can be a maze, but there is a strategy to everything. You just need to put some effort into thinking about it.
Be Back Soon,
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