Sunday, September 25, 2011

Farms, Wives and Dogs

Dear Allison,

I have a problem with my dog and my wife. Our big dog, "Chuckie", is a big, lovable oaf, but he can be just a tad bit ill-behaved, especially when we have a bunch of people in our house. He growls at guest dogs, lays on the floor in the middle of whatever you're doing, begs for food while we're eating dinner, and basically can be just slightly annoying. My wife, "Bossy", gets mad and tells me to put the dog outside when he does these things, and she says silly things to me like, "Chuckie's a DOG. It's OK for him to go outside when he's misbehaving," or "Lock him in the garage if he's going to pick on the other dogs. We're the boss, he's the dog, and we make the rules." I think Bossy's being mean to "Chuckie", and I feel sorry for him. What should I do?

Frustrated at the Farm
Dear Frustrated,
First of all, when Bossy does that sort of stuff you could reason with her politely about reasons that Chuckie is important to you, and she might stop doing it.  And you might want to try having guest dogs over half as much as usual since you did mention it makes him mad.  I am on your team - dogs have feelings too!  That is all I have.

Be Back Soon,


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