Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dribble Dribble Scratch Bite

Dear Allison,

I need your advice. There is a little dog that lives at my house. Let's call him "Mr. Weenie." He's very cute, and doesn't bark much. Everyone in our family loves him, even our other dog "Simon" loves him.

Here's the problem: Even though "Mr. Weenie" is very cute and cuddly he wrecks stuff. I'm afraid that if we get new things to replace the stuff he's wrecked, he will destroy that too. We've tried to tell him to be good and give treats when he does a good job, but he still makes poor choices. We have even grounded him and I spanked him once (I won't do it again - it made both "Mr. Weenie" and me too sad). It has all helped, and he is much better than he used to be, but can you think of something to make both "Mr. Weenie" and myself happy?

Puppy Troubles

Dear Troubles,

I'm not sure if this information will help, but perhaps you could put a diaper onto Mr. Weenie, or buy a patch of fake grass to put in the house for him to pee pee on. Or maybe you could try to train him to use a litter box. Recently I went to a friend's house where they had a dog pee pee mat in the middle of the kitchen. But I do think that you should follow your heart since this is your dog and you have mentioned that you have some sort of bond with him. You could try my advice and it may not work.

Be Back Soon,

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